Rockstar Triathlete: Martin Pombo

Rockstar Triathlete: Martin Pombo

Coach’s Notes: Martin has made some huge improvements across the board since starting with FC. He is a busy family man but has committed to his training time and rarely misses a group session, and the benefits are evident. Adjusting his bike and transitioning from a road bike to a tri bike was one of the big changes and his swim is drastically improved! So proud of all the huge accomplishments achieved and looking forward to an even better 2021!!! Way to go Martin!

Age: 45

Profession: LATAM Sr Marketing Manager in HMD Global (The Home of Nokia Phones)

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

After running my fifth full marathon in Chicago in 2019, I felt that I needed a new challenge, not only as a motivation, but also needed a real change physically. Involving a change in my nutrition, which I knew it was my biggest weakness to be better as an athlete and healthier as a person.

My good friend Romain, who convinced me to buy my first bike, also mentioned about FCC and how good the training program was, and the good people around it, so I said, WHY NOT? Because for me, the training program is a big part but also the environment around it.

Please share your BIG goals:

Β· Becoming a great swimmer, even in the ocean.
Β· Half Ironman in 2021
Β· Get a podium in an Olympic distance
Β· Becoming healthier and injury free
Not necessarily in that order 😊

Tell me about your successes so far:
Β· Have been committed to training, workouts and the team
Β· Look better physically and stronger mentally
Β· Reach longer distances swimming and biking
Β· Change small β€œbig” things in my nutrition

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Swim: improve in my form. Be able to swim +2300yr with fuel in the tank. Swimming below 2min pace (Sprint in 1:43/100yr).

Bike: Reached 56 miles based on training AND better nutrition/hydration while biking. From 16m/h avg. when I started the training program to 20.5m/h in the last race!

Run: better form, faster pace, bottom line: I’m a more efficient runner.

Nutrition/Health: I’ve changed almost all my nutrition habits, from breakfast to pre and post training nutrition routines. My body have responded well so far, I feel lighter but also stronger than before.

I think my body is in a journey β€œfrom Publix to Whole Foods body”.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

1. Nutrition
2. Pre and post workouts (warm up, breath, stretch, etc)
3. To be surrounded by crazy people, sharing objectives, struggles and achievements every day in person or WA.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

To be a more complete athlete, to be healthier but also don’t get bored with the same workout every day.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

I’d say about the great people in the group from coaches to athletes, about all the fun and hard work around the training workouts. I’d say how FCC is changing me for good. But first, what convinced me to take the first step. Call Erinne and tell her about you, she will do the rest.

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