Rockstar Triathlete Martin Pombo

Rockstar Triathlete Martin Pombo

The challenge
What made you decide to commit to training with our team?
First of all, I needed a new sports challenge and this one was totally different, out of my comfort zone (running).

Also, I’ve never really had the will to change my nutrition and learn what is good and bad for me.

If I wanted to start training for a triathlon, I needed to learn how to swim, and in the ocean! Which is definitely not my happy place.

So the commitment was directly proportional to the help I needed.

What has been your personal experience during training? The experience was beyond what I expected from a training program, not only because I started to see improvements fast but also because being part of a community pushes you to do better every day.

It is an extra motivation to know that there are people who got your back besides your family. Also, the coaches push you to give your best and know what they are doing! (friendly but demanding).

The solution
Tell me what lifestyle changes you’ve made by participating in our program:
The main change was not only my nutrition but my family’s too. Healthier breakfast, less processed foods, and more whole foods. Training every day early in the morning makes the rest of my day better, clears my thoughts, made me more responsible, organized, more focused, no question.

This also gave me the opportunity to meet great people and be more open in building new relationships.

The results
Tell me how your physical performance has changed since you started training with the team.
Uff!!! where to start? I’m faster, lighter, and stronger than 6 months ago. I do things that I only dreamed of a year ago, like swimming 1.5K yards in the ocean or a lake.

I’m developing a “Mamba Mentality” to allow me to overcome the usual “I can’t do that.” Still WIP though.

I know my body and my physical potential better than ever, but also how to take care of it with nutrition, hydration or simply resting when needed.

I look better and that changed my mood.

Would you like to share a before and after moment? My “before moment” is me struggling in the water during a sprint in 2019 at Escape to Miami; swallowing water and thinking that I was going to die because there were some waves?

My “after moment” is two years later, crossing the finish of my first 70.3 after swimming 1.6K meters with cramps in my calves but knowing that I was going to finish the race.

The experience
What was it like working with our team and coaches?
It’s great, best in town! All the coaches have different profiles and I learn from all of them.

What great thing(s) happened that you were NOT expecting? Besides meeting great people, I made a podium in a sprint distance and I got an invitation to the National Championship in August 2021. But I expect more great things to come!

How did you overcome any FEAR or uncertainties? Definitely training almost every day, gave me the ability to overcome fears such as the fear of swimming in open waters (or anywhere) and also prepares me for anything that may happen (accidents, cold, heat, flat tire, etc).

Finally, what would you say to someone considering training with Full Circle. Probably the same thing my friend Romain told me. The training program is the best and most professional, as are the coaches. And the community is full of great people/athletes.

What are you waiting to call coach Erinne!


Click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session and let’s do it!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of the 16 week Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.


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