Do You Make this Fatal Mistake?

Do You Make this Fatal Mistake?

When it comes to training for triathlon, health, fitness, and wellness, there’s no one size fits all, despite what the many gurus want you to believe.

At the end of the day, finding a methodology that will work for you long-term is absolutely key. But there’s a very common fatal mistake many people make when it comes to finding a long-term eating and fitness strategy…

They get distracted by flashy new ideas.

They become program hoppers always in search of more, of better. I call this the “BBD” always searching for the “Bigger Better Deal.”

I’m not saying you shouldn’t do some testing and find what works for you. Not at all.

But I see program hoppers continuing to hop around because they never give anything their ALL.

They might give it 30, 50, or even 80% but never 100% before they decide something’s not for them.

Because Beth started selling protein shakes that’ll instantly take 3 inches off your waist. Or because Bob found a miracle in cabbage and suddenly the plan changes instead of giving it enough time to work for you.

So, my advice to you is to find something that gets you results supported by an experienced educated coach so that you don’t keep running on that hamster wheel of program hopping.


And, if you’re guilty of program hopping and you’re tired of spinning your wheels, let’s talk. Comment below and let me know, and I’ll take it from there.


If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call/text us at 786-586-6057 today or better yet, click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session. This is a complimentary 30 minute session to ask me anything about triathlon, health and wellness or holistic lifestyle/ nutrition.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.


  • Jesse Jimenez Posted August 6, 2020 11:04 am

    Another great blog! I am not a program hopper. I like my program and I would follow you off a bridge. I am open minded and from time to time have discussed new variations with you, but I will always get your opinion on anything relating to training and nutrition because you are my coach and I am coachable. I have goals and mean to reach them. Keep up the great work. Thank you!

  • Erinne Guthrie Posted August 6, 2020 12:31 pm

    You are putting in the consistent time training and evaluating and making adjustments along the way- the journey is never a direct line straight up there will be set backs, the goal is to work together to keep improving!

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