Get Back to Swim Training The Right Way

3 Tips to Get Back to Swim Training the Right Way

I’m pretty sure almost every pool in the world has been closed for a few weeks or months and we have all been missing our regular swims.

With more pools opening every day, it’s important to remember a few things before dialing up the volume your first few weeks back.

You might be super excited to swim that 3000+ yard/meter workout your forth day back but, that’s a great way to get an injury right from the start.

Be smart with your training; Frequent, shorter swims are the way to go for the first few weeks.

Here are 3 tips to ensure a successful re-entry into swim fitness
1- strength and mobility

This is even more important if you have taken some time off from the pool or open water. If you jump back in with a 3000 meter set without much fitness, you may end up with an over use injury right from the get go.

Don’t let this be you!
Start doing or keep up with your dry land basics before adding on too much volume to your swim sets. Strength training makes you faster in the water and prevents injury so don’t skip it! Also, I recommend a minimum of two days/week of strength training as a part of any swim training program.

Check out my swim video that covers a handful of the basic strength moves to include in your routine.

2- Start back with more frequent shorter training. If you want to swim 2-3 days/week, keep the first 2 weeks at 1200-1500 meters and stack on 15 min of strength after your session; you will get back to swim form faster with less soreness and fatigue.

3- Form Form Form. The better your swim form is the faster you swim. Nothing replaces this. Be sure to include mostly drills in the 1200-1500 meter swim session I mentioned above after taking a few weeks or more out of the water. You will definitely feel less fluid In the water after taking time off. That is to be expected. The drills will help you get back the feel for the water sooner!

Here are 3 workouts to try your first week back:

Dry land Dynamic Stretch Warm Up  before each workout. Remember to rest as needed between all sets.

1- 200 mixed strokes warm up
4×50 kick with alignment kick board
200 pull with buoy no paddles
4×100 as 50 drill 50 free
Drills- 1 arm, catch up, fist free and fingertip drag
3×100 as 50 free 50 alternate stroke
200 long easy free style low stroke count
1500 total

2 -Dry land Dynamic Stretch Warm Up
Strength Swim combo
150 mixed strokes warm up
150 swim pull buoy no paddles
150 kick with boardThen alternate 75 meters swim or drill with a dry land strength moveSwim 75 free
15 squats
Swim 75 mixed strokes
20 rows
Swim 75 kick with board
20 back lunges (10 each leg)
Swim 75 free
15 Overhead press
Swim Pull 75 with buoy only
Straight Arm Front planks
Swim 75 free
20 pop ups
Swim 75 free
15 dips
Swim 75 catch up drill
1 min dry land Flutter Kick
Swim 75 free
Straight arm Side plank 30 seconds each side
Swim 75 mixed strokes
Straight arm reverse plank 30 seconds
Swim 75 fingertip drag drill
150 choice swim drill cool down

3 – Dry land dynamic warm up – see video link above
3×100 as 50 low stroke count freestyle / 50 regular free
2×100 as 50 freestyle kick / 50 regular freestyle
2×100 as 50 breast stroke kick / 50 regular breast stroke
2×100 as 50 kick on back / 5o regular backstroke
2×100 as 50 butterfly kick / 50 regular butterfly
Swim 100 free
4×25 pull buoy with or without paddles
Swim 200 free
1500 total

Please comment below if you want more training tips like these or need more guidance for your swim? I have an amazing library of swim videos on my YouTube channel so, SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new ones are added!

Swim Essentials Clinic Starts May 21st, come join us!

8 hours, over two focused days of coached swim training in the pool and open water.

Day one: May 21st. Meet us at Miami Dade College South Campus pool (830a to 130p).

Day two: The open water session is on June 4th.

It’s an amazing opportunity to be in the water with our expert coaches getting hands on instruction to power up your swim!

Ready to sign up… please link HERE for all the details.


If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call/text us at 786-586-6057 today or better yet, click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session. This is a complimentary 30 minute session to ask me anything about triathlon, health and wellness or holistic lifestyle/ nutrition.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.

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