Lean Habits

One of the major differences I see between chronically fit people and those who aren’t is that fit people have developed something I call “lean habits.”

A fit person has typically developed enough discipline over time to make the choices that best serve them and their goals regularly, which is what allows them to stay fit.

For example, a person with lean habits can choose water over soda with lunch. They can drive by fast food restaurants and not be tempted to pull over. They can say “No” to dessert most of the time without a second thought.

Are lean habits easy to develop? Well, honestly, no. But they absolutely can be developed with consistent commitment over time.

Perhaps you work on developing your lean habits first with creating rules and parameters to slowly change your current habits.

It could be:
• Limiting soda to 1x/day if you normally drink 3 – or trying a healthy replacement like Kombucha
• Eating out only 2x/week instead of 4 times
• Going to the gym 2x/week consistently rather than not at all

There are no hard and fast rules around how to develop lean habits, it’s simply about doing what works for you.

So, how will you start to develop your lean habits?

To Your Success,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

Need help putting it all together?  Send me a text message 786-586-6057 or follow this link to schedule a call with me personally! www.scheduleyou.in/5ZIsVaU


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