Are You the Driver or the Passenger?

Are You the Driver or the Passenger?

There are two primary ways people handle themselves in their own lives.

One person is the passenger. They allow others and outside factors to steer the direction of their lives.

To dictate what happens to them.
…Where they go.
…How they feel.
…Where they end up at the end of their days.

The other type is the driver.

The driver knows what they want, goes after it, and doesn’t allow anyone else or anything stand between them and the life they’re going to build.

And everyone around them benefits as a result of their commitment.

Most people are passengers for a million and one different reasons.

Drivers are far more rare. They’re not ever too busy to take care of themselves and ensure their family also has their needs met.

They’re focused and determined and seemingly β€œhave it all.”

And simultaneously…

They experience deep happiness and fulfillment because as the driver, it’s what they’ve chosen and created.

One isn’t better than the other – that’s not what this is about.

But the driver tends to make more out of life. And the beautiful part of all of this is that we get to CHOOSE if we’re the passenger or the driver.

It’s never coincidence…
Although often we don’t realize the choice.

So…Have you been living as the passenger or the driver in your own life?

No judgement either way.

And based on this analogy, is there anything you’d like to do differently?

I’d love to hear from you.
Reply below and share with me!

If you’re interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call / text me at 786-586-6057 and let’s chat!

Or better yet…

Click this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session β€“ where you get 30 minutes to ask me anything about triathlon, health and wellness or holistic lifestyle / nutrition!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.


1 Comment

  • Jesse Jimenez Posted October 5, 2023 7:15 pm

    Great Blog! Coming from you and our recent fantastic few days in Beech Mountain. I can say unequivocally I am always the driver. Often to my detriment even though being motivated and driven and focused and committed and consistent and persevering are winning attributes, there is better! If you recall I let you drive when we were in Beech Mountain. (I rarely let anyone drive) You are a excellent driver and I trust you to drive. As you have earned my trust in training me for triathlon and generally. So you had to know this was coming. I like to let Jesus drive. Jesus take the wheel please. That’s how i get to where I’m going! Let Him drive me and I am not lost. He keeps me safe and gets me there at the right time. Great blog and good analogy. James1:5-12

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