Is This The Hardest Part for You Too?

 Is This the Hardest Part for You Too?

Starting something – ANYTHING – is often the most challenging part.

But if you can take action, one little first step, it gets easier.

This isn’t a self-help platitude. IT’S SCIENCE!

Remember Sir Isaac Newton? He said a body at rest tends to stay that way, and a body in motion will stay that way, too. 

The point is, don’t feel bad about yourself because it’s sometimes hard to leave the house and go to the gym,……. or get on the bike……… or out the door for a run… start building a new healthy habit… or start doing anything you REALLY want to do but can’t seem to get motivated about.

I have been struggling with this myself this year.

The solution is often to take one small step. Just one. If you want to go work out, then please, start by putting on your gym clothes and your sneakers.

Tell yourself that’s all you must do: Just get dressed for the run, gym, etc.

Then what?

Well, shoot. Now you’re dressed; you might as well go out the door, right? And then what are you going to do except start running… See what I’m doing here?

Seriously! It’s a simple mind trick that works wonders. It’s like how a recovering alcoholic tells herself she just has to go one day at a time without drinking – even though she knows full well that she can’t ever do it again.

I started this year with walks and weights. Then walk/run and a bike ride.

I went from training 1x/ week to now up to 4-5x, and I can tell you it feels so good to be back, and my body wants more!

Little bites are so much more digestible than giant ones!

One action leads to another… causing momentum… and so on…

And if you need support getting started, I’m here for it…

Click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session, and let’s do it together!

Do you know about my 16-week (virtual) training program to help you get faster for your next triathlon in less time?

You’ll show up confidently at the start of your next race, swimming, biking, and running past the competition, sprinting across the finish line with arms overhead, knowing you nailed it.

Here’s how it works
You get the ideal blueprint that makes you faster and stronger inside the 16-week Triathlon Transformation Training program

Here’s why it’s different
With 26 years of coaching 1000’s triathletes, I discovered the biggest struggles are:

  • You don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to learning the exact skills to be successful in the sport of triathlon.
  • Improving strength and increasing energy are the secrets to preventing injury and burnout.
  • Other programs push athletes beyond their actual ability with wasted junk miles and excess volume leading to disappointment and failure.
  • With my 16-week Triathlon Transformation Program, the focus is on you as an individual; your form, technique, strength, fueling, and mindset. Through video analysis, metabolic testing, holistic lifestyle coaching, and a supportive community, you will achieve all your triathlon dreams and goals to get faster in less time.

So please use this link to fill out the application.

I’m only accepting five new members, so space is limited. Don’t delay your dreams another day!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Coach Erinne Guthrie

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.

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