Way to go Urs, I am so happy to have the chance to get you stronger and faster despite your injuries.  On a tough day and with way worse conditions than previous years, you killed it!  Way to go!  Super impressed with your ability to squeeze everything out of the training plan and apply it to your life; that takes a special kind of athlete.  Looking forward to the big Miami Man goal with more continued success!

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

Urs Brunner is part of my online/weekend group.  I have never even seen him swim and he still followed the program to get the results.  This program isn’t for everyone but at a lower price point if you are motivated you can get these kind of results too.  It includes online, video group conference calls every 2 weeks, daily training in Training Peaks and weekend workouts with the team.  Please reach out if you want these kinds of results!

Age: 56
Profession: General Manager North America at Pro Med Instruments

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? I saw Erinne present at the Miami Man 2017 and I was totally convinced that her energy and her experience would help me get faster and stronger.

What is your “A” race for this season? Miami Man Half Iron

Please share your BIG goals: My biggest goal in triathlon and life in general is “beat yesterday”. Meaning that I want to better myself in all aspects; sports, professional and personal life.

Tell me about your successes so far: In 2017 I did my first long course Tri (Miami Man International Distance). Unfortunately I got hurt and had to plan my training accordingly. I set a new goal of improving my time at the South Beach Tri (Classic) and I did achieve that with the help of FC.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

In swimming I gained confidence in Open Water. I have always been a pretty good pool swimmer and with all the open water swimming, I feel much better prepared for the ocean races.

I have done a lot of biking with EBC and feel good in groups.  What I have learned since I joined FC is to fight the wind by myself (not drafting).  It has strengthened my power.

Running has been the discipline I have done the most.  It is easy to do and I can always do it when traveling.  That said, I have gained in endurance as of late mainly by adding specific strength training.

Nutrition/Health is somewhat new to me.  I have always eaten carefully and now I am even more conscious of the food choices I make.  I haven’t started with supplements yet but already had some conversations with FC and want to look more at this side of preparation.

I would actually add another topic, which is mental strength.  It is an area I feel I am good at.  I do a lot of visualization and putting things like work-life balance in context.  Having a strong mental plan I think is very critical to conquer these tough longer courses.  I always try to see the positive and the opportunity.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: 
1.A training plan (Training Peaks)
2.Positive encouragement and being held accountable
3.Being surrounded by other like-minded people

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?  I like the challenge of endurance racing and I also like the technicality of the different transitions.  My other hobbies are mountaineering and regatta sailing.  Both of those also demand endurance and technical savvy.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

Just do it!  Sounds like a cliche but it is so true.  There is nothing to loose.  If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten.  Beat yesterday.  Carpe Diem!

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