Rockstar Triathlete: John Dodds

Rockstar Triathlete: John Dodds

Coach’s Notes:
I met John at the Ride on Ryan sprint triathlon 4 years ago. He was very new to the sport and felt like he wanted a new challenge in life. His journey has been amazing, losing 30 lbs. and keeping it off as well as, racing multiple sprint triathlons over the years.

Watch this video!

Since he lives in Savannah, Georgia, I train him virtually and he also attends the annual Ultimate  Tri Camp where we get some great face to face training and video to dial in the specifics for the upcoming season.

He is a true “Rockstar Triathlete” adopting the triathlon lifestyle and always eager to improve his performance with the modalities I suggest. He is ready to go longer in 2021.

I’m so excited to see the continuing progress this year! See you soon at camp!!!

Age: 57
Profession: IT Senior Manager

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? A few months prior to my 1st triathlon I got an opportunity to participate in a 1 day “training” camp to go through different aspects of a triathlon and get a professional coach to assist with tips and tricks. That is where I met the vivacious coach Erinne. Coach Erinne detailed her extensive background in triathlon, I was wowed by what she has done, achieved, and trained/certified in. The way she presented different ideas in improving my performance; not just swimming, biking, or running, but diet, lifestyle, an approach to thinking how to be the best you, wow. I have been a part of the FullCircle team ever since.

And to add why FullCircle? I have been invited with open arms to a group that does not judge but encourages, does not hold back but tries new ideas, does not shrink from fear but embraces it.

I’ve done some “out of comfort zone” activities, and you might say triathlon is one of them, but I think not soo much. Over extending intense training and then taking a ice bath (80 bags of ice) is out of one’s comfort zone. But the ice bath opened me to trying a new idea and feeling alive and invigorated.

What is your “A” race for this season? I had plans for 6 short course triathlons for the 2020 season, most to be a challenge. Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic blew the 2021 season. In 2022, the Jax Triathlon series, the LOCO Triathlon (double triathlon) and the Rock RollMan will be my “A” races. My “A” races are in the beginning, middle, and end of the season which will track and trend my performance, commitment, and consistency.

Please share your BIG goals: I used to say “being fit to the point of being Sexy in Spandex” and for a 57 year old man that is saying a lot! FullCircle helped me achieve sexy in spandex some time ago.

Now, it’s the training consistency of 5-6 days a week. Having a performance goal of swimming a full mile at 2min/100meters comfortably. Maintaining an average 170 watts on the bike. Running a 5k in less than 25min. Or to total is up, doing a sprint triathlon in under 1:25hr.

Tell me about your successes so far: First, let me tell you about my 1st triathlon season. My 1st race, towards then end of the run (race), I was keeping up with an 80 year old nurse. The last 200 yards this 80 year old woman sprinted like I was standing still, while I was at complete exhaustion. My 2nd race, just about to finish the bike portion, a bike stopped in front of me where I grabbed the front brakes (instead of back) flipped end over end blowing out both my tires. I picked up my bike and ran into the transition area. I did finish the race though interestingly, I broke 3 ribs during the bike fall and ran that way. My 3rd race was out in the beautiful Jacksonville, Florida the triathlon was on the ocean. My swim had me so terrified that a man with no arms and was a triathlete, was providing me comfort. During the swim, in the ocean, 3 people swam over me making feel like someone was drowning me. I ended swimming the backstroke, which I never practiced, for fear that someone was going to pull me under. That triathlete with no arms, he was in the middle of the swim finishers. I did survive the swim and finish the race.

In the last 3 years, I have completed 15 triathlons and a host of 10k’s and 5k’s. While not all my races were as colorful as my 1st season, each race has been memorable and my life has been better for it.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: Swim: I went from barely swimming to the end of a 25 yard swim lane to focusing on a 2min/100meters for 600 meters in a triathlon race. And I did complete that swim portion in 12min.

Bike: I went from sitting upright on a city/street bike, doing an average of 10mph to being able to ride my triathlon bike in an “aero” position at an average of 18mph during a race.

Run: It use to take me 45min to complete a 5k race, last year 24min.

I would have never attempted a whole lot out of my comfort zone. Now, I am open minded enough and willing to step out and experience something new. The ice bath I talked about earlier, I would have never done that before my triathlon life. Now, I look forward to next season, Ultimate Tri Camp and getting into that ice bath.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. FullCircle coaching
  2. FullCircle coaching
  3. FullCircle coaching

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? I went from a life of where “Rotten Johnny” was leading my life to “TinMan John” who has metal(grit) and heart. I love the person I have become (TinMan John), that’s triathlon for me.

Also, the people you meet during training or racing, they are passionate, engaging, and alive. It’s addicting to be around triathlon people, you experience their best selves come out.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? You go through triathlon training and a race by trial and error and using the internet, that will be the expensive route emotionally, physically, equipment, and or experience. Participating with FullCircle helps weed through the triathlon process, finding the tips/tricks and tracking your individualized (key point) through firsthand experience. But more importantly, having the ability to talk with someone who knows what it takes to have that fulfilling mind, body and spiritual experience that you are looking for.

My new 16 week Triathlon Transformation program could be just the help you are looking for. Find out by calling/texting me at 786-586-6057 today or better yet, click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session to see if this program is for you!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.

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