Success in Swim, Bike, Run and Nutrition – Amazing Story from our latest Rockstar Triathlete Lewis Perez

Coach Erinne Guthries Notes:
From swimming 2:40/100 yards to 1:30/100yards; Getting average speed on a 25-mile bike ride from 15mph to 21mph, A PR on a half marathon at 9:02 per mile (1:58:18). And losing 30+ pounds over the last few years to achieve all these amazing accomplishes is truly awesome.  I am so proud of your drive and dedication to combine time in your life for  your family, work and sport so well.  You should be so proud Lewis.  Way to go. You have taken my advice of becoming strong before going long.  Long Course 70.3 is next, I know you are going to kill it!


Lewis Perez, Rockstar Triathlete – 

Age: 39

Profession: Senior Technology Manager at a Market Research Firm

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

Because after trying a few different coaches in the area, I had no doubt Full Circle and Erinne were the perfect leaders and mentors for me after I had a chance to meet her and her team. I noticed from our first meeting that Erinne had the energy, the technique, the knowledge, and the power to not only help me become an athlete again but to also help me become a better person.

What is your “A” race for this season?

Vineyard Half Triathlon on September 8.

Please share your BIG goals:

To stay healthy and live another day to enjoy another training day, another race day and another family day while building good memories for the heart. I dream of the day I get to race with both of my kids on a triathlon team relay.

Tell me about your successes so far:

Losing some serious weight in a healthy long journey that started back on 2010 at 198 pounds with my first triathlon to a healthier older 147 pounds sportsperson. Now I can run, catch me if you can! Erinne has been an incredible help along the journey with the workouts, the customized nutrition plan and guidance in and out of the course.

Other big milestones have been getting off medication for heart conditions and other overweight related symptoms, 100% thanks to the sport and the nutritional changes. Definitively have gotten faster on the swim, the bike and the run, a lot more agile and energetic. Year after year I have been able to improve my timings and PRs at many events, from 5K runs, 10Ks, half marathons, 1-mile OWS, 5K OWS swims, sprint triathlons, international and Olympic triathlons. I feel I am getting better with age thanks to the help and dedication from Erinne and her team of professionals.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

My swim has gotten much better. From swimming 2:40/100 yards to 1:30/100yards and proving myself that I can swim 5K non-stop open water has been one of my more remarkable achievements. Getting my average speed on a 25-mile bike ride from 15mph to 21mph average also seemed impossible at times. More remarkable was learning how to run. For me, it was not as easy as just grabbing some running shoes and going out the door, I truly needed Erin to teach me how to run. First time I tried running my pace was 18:39 per mile. Things got better with time but now that I am better prepared and have been receiving the knowledge and training in needed my new PR on a half marathon is 9:02 per mile (1:58:18). My customized nutrition plan has guide me to a healthier life style allowing me to be a better athlete and lose a lot of weight along the way.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

1. The nutrition plan. Big balance and key support element.

2. The training environment, compatible people training with the same goal and treasuring the time training together looking for the perfect balance in life, family, work, the sport, physical health, and mental health.

3. Working with a set of coaches that take the time to observer and listen. I am very appreciative of the time and dedication to teach us, help us correct our techniques and work on our weaknesses.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

Triathlons for me are an enormous compilation of personal goals. Every race is a chance to a new adventure, a chance to do better than last year’s event, yet not every race is the same. There is always a challenge, something new, something harder, something emotional and no-matter the event or event type it always ends up being an invaluable accomplishment and a party of happy emotions at the end.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

Is the best healthy addiction you could ever have and living the journey requires having the right group of people to guide you through it. The best of triathlon is that you have a perfect balance for your body, multiple sports to practice that allows you to be active every single day of the week. It allows you to recuperate a set of muscles while you work with another set the next day.

Thanks, Erinne and team for coaching me and supporting me throughout the years. I have quite a book of memories in my heart!

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