
Coach Erinne’s Notes:

Terri is my Dark Horse triathlete. She is very humble and quiet in training but get her on the race course and she lays it all out there. Extremely dedicated to hitting all the workouts with the group or on her own she has definitely shown the most improved in the shortest amount of time! It took months to get her to switch from Duathlon to Triathlon and now she is doing a 70.3! I am so proud of how far she has come in such a short time and look forward to her continued success. COngratualtions Terri you are a true Rockstar Triathlete.

Meet Terri Camejo, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete

Age: 49
Profession: Teacher

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?  I chose Full Circle Coaching in January 2017 after the recommendation of friends that are also part of the program. I was looking for a coach that could help me learn how to swim as I began my journey as a newbie Triathlete.

What is your “A” race for this season?  I would say my “A” Race would have to be the Huntington’s Disease Triathlon 2017. I signed up for this race under the encouragement of my coach Erinne who told me I was ready to swim an Olympic Distance. Much to my surprise, I entered the lake with only one thought in mind, “I have to get to the other side without panicking.” As I made my way across I knew I was half way home and just had to keep ‘blowing my bubbles’ as coach Erinne had taught me. On my way back, I just had to relax into my stroke and eventually I would make it to shore. Transitioning to the bike went well as I relaxed into my favorite leg. I was happy with my time on the bike as well as on the run landing me with 4 place in my age group. Needless to say I was shocked I was even in the top 5 which just shows what great coaching and dedication can accomplish. 

Please share your BIG goals:  My big Goal is to complete my first 70.3 Ironman in Augusta this September. This goal was set back in January when my husband decided he wanted to participate in an Ironman. With the help of my coach and fellow teammates, I am looking forward to crossing the finish line and hearing my name.

Tell me about your successes so far:  In April this year, I competed in Tri-Miami where I became very anxious as I entered the ocean as others bumped into me during my first triathlon open water swim. I was happy with the results of this Sprint race as I placed 6th in my age group. My second Sprint was 7 weeks later in June 2017. This time I was familiar with the course and was prepared for being bumped and pushed during the swim. I actually felt confident and pushed someone off of me as I rounded the buoy. I was happy with the results of this Sprint as my time was 4 minutes faster than the previous race landing me into 3rd place in my age group. Finally, my third and most challenging race thus far was Huntington’s Disease Olympic Distance this July. Since swimming is not my strength nor what I feel comfortable doing, it was a challenge to set my mind to swim in a lake of all places where I am not as buoyant. This was by far my greatest accomplishment in preparing me for Augusta 70.3.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

1. Learning the basic skills of swimming from coach Erinne has made the greatest impact in my training. Gone are the days of having to wear fins to make it to the other side of the pool. I have learned appropriate breathing, balance, stroke, and kicking techniques. Although I still don’t enjoying swimming, I can honestly say I wouldn’t have been able to compete in the 3 events I have thus far without her coaching.

2. The bike has always come natural to me and it is what I enjoy the most. However, I wouldn’t be able to have the speed nor endurance without the help from my coach Dennis. He has taught me how to push myself beyond what I could have imagined and because of this type of training he has enabled me to keep up with ‘the fast riders’ on the road. Thanks coach Dennis for gently pushing me to strive to be better and stronger.

3. The run is something I started off doing on my own a couple of months before joining FC in January. Attending track and learning proper running form, strengthen exercises, and stretching has enabled me to learn how to prevent injury and to run. This was accomplished through the encouragement and support of my coaches Erinne, Dennis, and Wilman.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?  I enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow triathletes on the Full Circle team. Everyone is always helpful in sharing techniques in what has worked for them as an athlete. Also, the support and encouragement is wonderful in a sport that can be very independent and self-seeking. As far as the triathlon event, I enjoy hearing the crowd cheering the athletes on as they cross the finish line.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?  I would encourage them to join the FC training program to develop the appropriate techniques that will improve their individual weaknesses and provide the support needed to fulfill goals as an athlete.

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching call us at 786-586-6057 today or check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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