Rockstar Triathlon Success with Online Coaching: Pennsylvania Triathlete Monika Lukens coached by Miami’s Best Online Triathlete Training Program.

Coach Erinne’s Notes:
Since Monika wrote the answers to these questions she has won several races overall and been on the podium at every race in 2017. From time trails, open water swims or Aquabikes this lady is on FIRE!!!! I am so proud of her performance thus far into 2017 and these are all C races for her.  Can’t wait to see you on the podium at World’s Monika!

Meet Monika Lukens, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 53

Profession: Art Director

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? I came from a cycling background. I started racing bikes a couple of years ago. Then I got a TT bike and started doing Time Trials. I couldn’t do triathlons because of an injury that prevented me from running. A friend told me about “Aquabike” racing and I was hooked. Last year I had a traditional “cycling only” coach and did coached master’s swimming. I realized that this wasn’t the best solution. I was ready for a Tri-coach and when I heard Erinne talk at the Nationals in Miami in November, 2016 I knew this would be a perfect fit. Not only would my workouts integrate both disciplines but there was a focus on health and nutrition.

What is your “A” race for this season? The World Aquabike championships: Penticton, BC, Canada in August.

Please share your BIG goals: To improve my swim. I am a strong swimmer but do not have the focus and passion for it that I have for the bike. I am aiming to improve my speed and comfort level in the water.

Tell me about your successes so far: Last year was a very good year for me: I did 5 Time Trials: 1-1st, 3-2nd, 1-3rd, I did 8 Aquabikes – ranging from Sprint to Half Ironman – 5-1st overall – woman, 1-3rd overall woman, 1-3rd in Age Group (Nationals).

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, & Nutrition/Health

Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved, name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: The biggest improvements has been my health. I am a very healthy eater but was suffering from a lot of stomach discomfort. Erin put me on the gut-healing protocol and it was life-altering. “Not an exaggeration”!!!! The bloating and cramps went away. I also changed to a low carb diet. This was a challenging journey but after 3 months I am very happy with how I feel and my performance has recovered and I am confident I will only improve from here.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? I would have to say the most exciting thing is overcoming the mental struggle. Being an individual sport…it is you against yourself…especially on the bike on a long course. You may not see anyone for long periods of time. Overcoming the internal voices that tell you that “it wouldn’t hurt as much…go ahead just slow down a bit…no one will know” is a constant struggle.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? If that person is serious about improving and has set goals I would tell them to join this program. The balance of workout, nutrition, targeted weight training and stretching, sets you up to be a much more well rounded and stronger athlete.

The biggest improvement I have felt since hiring Coach Erinne is the ability to balance life with training and not dread the fact that I have to work hard to achieve my lofty goals. I was concerned with that coming into this season. So far I have been able to handle the tough training with good recovery time and easy days. I also really appreciate the mental skils training that has helped me be able to know that I deserve to be out in the front and attack at races. The book ” How Bad Do You Want It” that Erinne recommended is a game changer.

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching call us at 786-586-6057 today, check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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