Meet Rossella Zini, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 41
Profession: Law Office Administrator
Why did you choose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? My revelation was seeing Erinne at a Tri clinic at Mack Cycle in June, I remember thinking if she had so much passion about repeating the same thing to groups of people she had never even met before, how passionate could she be about her own athletes? And boy was I right! I spoke to a couple of other coaches but neither gave me the same excitement vibe. And that’s what you need from a coach, knowledge is not enough.
What is your “A” race for this season? MiamiMan Int’l Distance 11/13/16.
Please share your BIG goals: Half IronMan® (I dream in Latin America). Also, to run a full marathon.
Tell me about your successes so far: I learned how to swim, and won my fear of open water. Just a few months ago, I would have never believed I’d be able to jump off a Ferry at Escape and swim 1,800 yards without stopping (yes, 1,800 yards – I kept going off course)!
What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following?
Swim: A year ago I could not finish 1 single lap at the pool without choking. Then I went from swimming at 2:48 pace at Escape to 2:18 at MiamiMan.
Bike: From simply “cruising” at 15 mph for the last 5 years to actually riding with a purpose, at an average of 18.8 at MiamiMan with only a few months of focused training.
Run: Heart rate training has been such an eye opener enabling me to control my breathing, I have no idea how I completed half marathons in the past without knowing all this!
Nutrition/Health: Total change: I used to see food as an enemy and feared calories, now I see food as instrumental for my training. Erinne telling me to have dessert the night before a race is music to my ears!
Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: 2:18/100 yds swim, 2:04:10 Half-Marathon, 28:40 5K
Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:
1. Being Out-of-Comfort Zone: most enriching zone ever!
2. Team Support – the FCC group is just pure joy, no competitiveness just mutual support and encouragement, FCC you guys rock!
3. Group training – I was a loner so I had little stimulation for improvement, being in a group is crucial for improvement.
What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? Triathlon has been empowering, but mostly humbling: these 5 months have taught me to accept every little improvement with joy and avoid unrealistic expectations on myself or comparisons to others. Even “slow” results are results, and reflect hard work. Triathlon for me has been about enjoying the journey of embracing my weaknesses and dealing with them, both physically and psychologically. Another exciting thing is that Triathlons have no age and I still have 60 more years to improve
What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? Get out of your comfort zone and do it now, don’t wait as long as I did! The kind of knowledge you will get in this group is indescribable, let alone the human support, with repercussions on your self-confidence and personal life.
Coach Erinne’s Notes:
Rosy started with Full Circle Coaching by taking our Run Smart clinic to overcome some running injuries and look at her now. She committed to unlimited VIP coaching and she is killing it! She is a perfect example of spending many years going through the motions of swim, bike, run but getting no improvement due to lack of measuring, evaluating and learning the skills of the sports. I love Rosy’s smile and commitment to her training always giving 100% at every session. She has come so far in such a short time and the sky’s the limit-I love it-we have 50 more years to keep improving, getting faster, stronger and better than ever! Way to go ROCKSTAR ROSY!!!!!!
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