Ready for Summer Yet? Sunshine, conclusion of a global pandemic, mangos & fun… Must be summer! Are you excited? I AM! Everybody loves the warm weather and freedom of summer.
Read moreNo More RICE; Soft Tissue Injury Management Update
No More RICE; Soft Tissue Injury Management Update Love collaborating with Athletix Rehab!!Soft Tissue Injury Management Update! RICE is out for soft tissue injuries! All they need is PEACE
7 Ways Gratitude Changes You
7 Ways Gratitude Changes You Why should you practice an attitude of gratitude? Well, simply put, gratitude is good for you. Here are just seven ways, out of ZILLIONS. It
Read moreThe Choice is Yours
The Choice is Yours Sometimes when I’m training, I want to quit before my workout is done, or even start it! Does this ever happen to you? I start
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Who’s in Your Inner Circle of 5? You’ve probably heard that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. It’s a good idea to keep
Read moreRockstar Triathlete Martin Pombo
Rockstar Triathlete Martin Pombo The challengeWhat made you decide to commit to training with our team? First of all, I needed a new sports challenge and this one was totally
Read moreThe Saboteur Inside You
The Saboteur Inside You I have this voice in my head that’s always telling me I can’t do something. That I’m not good enough. That my plans will never work
Read moreYou Don’t Want What I’m Selling
You don’t want what I’m selling Hey, wanna spend time sweating and breathing hard, limit certain foods and alcohol and go to bed on time? Want to slow down and
Read moreWhat You Appreciate, Appreciates
What You Appreciate, Appreciates Think about a time when someone showed appreciation for you. Maybe your boss thanked you in front of the whole team, and even described how your
Read moreRockstar Triathlete Jacquelyn Schwartz
Rockstar Triathlete Jacquelyn Schwartz Coach’s Notes: I feel so blessed that “Jac” is part of the Full Circle Coaching team. With her education, it is wonderful to see how she
Read moreTime-saving strategies to prioritize yourself-3
Time-saving strategies to prioritize yourself Managing your time is all about expressing your priorities. So, when you habitually say things like, “I don’t have time to: exercise, stretch, strength train,
Read moreBeat the Heat! Can you tell the heat is on?
Beat the Heat! Can you tell the heat is on? It’s getting hot and training in the heat can help your body acclimate to the higher temperatures. Its a good
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