How Personalized Coaching Helped Her Rock Her First Triathlon: Meet Cate Gundlach

Beginner Rockstar Triathlete: Cate Gundlach

Coaches Notes:

Cate reached out a few months ago with the desire to do her first triathlon after living on a boat for many years. With no background in triathlon, she enrolled in the Full Circle Coaching 8-week Beginner Tri Program as her first step on the journey to becoming a triathlete. 

Nutrition and short-term injury needed to be addressed along the way to the finish line. With all the excitement of starting to train and feeling good, she decided to do more than what was recommended and ended up with some pain! It’s so hard not to overdo it when it feels so good. But we must meet our bodies where they are and progress gradually to avoid injury. This is a common situation in the triathlon. Less is more, and consistency always wins over going too fast, too far, too soon. After dialing back on the running and getting her the stretch and strength exercises she needed, she was back on track after two weeks.

Then she mentioned having no energy after her training, so we addressed what her pre and post nutrition looked like and made the adjustments she needed to be able to feel great post training instead of wiped out!

These are the benefits that come with working with  a good coach and system of training and racing that leads to success! 

Congratulations, Cate. I’m so proud of you for sticking with it and listening to your body and coaches! I’m super excited for the next one and to continue the triathlon journey with you!

Age: 42

Yacht Master/ Uscg 500

Why did you choose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

I have always had an athletic outlet until my career took me to long seasons at sea in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. I began getting very bored of daily jogs and gym life and found co-rec sports dangerous as a Charter yacht captain. There is no time for a broken ankle or serious injury while at sea!!

My inner self knows that I excel with coaching and I need something athletic that provides data and requires accountability. Something in me said Triathlons! So I went online to look for coaching in Miami ~ Full Circle Coaching was it!

What is your “A” race for this season?
KB3 Mack Cycle Sprint Triathlon in May, 2024

What are your BIG goals?

My goals are to be able to compete, not just complete. I like the fast-paced style of the Sprint Triathlons and would like to see myself get faster and stronger in each discipline.
I am not seasoned enough to pinpoint a big goal; however, the human body can far exceed most limitations that we place on it, and I want to be limitless in my Tri efforts!

What were some of your most significant improvements in performance for each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved.

I signed up for the Beginner Tri Program and found myself really liking the correspondence and collaboration on the Training Peaks app with my coach. It creates tangible goals and accountability.
My biggest struggle is finding rhythm and pace in all disciplines. Coach Erinne helps me dial into cadence through our conversations, which I can transfer into honest work.
My first race was KB1 on May 19, 24. My overall efforts were doable, but my nutrition needed to be improved.
My BIGGEST improvement was food.
I went from not having much energy to completing strong weeks of training, building in more dense nutrient filled foods, finding more energy, and recovering quicker, all because I ate better and ate more.


Name 2 or 3 things you feel will make the most significant difference in your journey:  
1) Having a Coach has made this journey possible. I would not have held myself accountable for the fire without joining the FCC.
2) The PERFECT AMINO Supplement Erinne recommends has fueled my nutrition and recovery.
3) Miami is the place to be for the community, and the FCC Cheer Factory is EPIC. Everyone was an instant friend and an instant cheerleader for each other. The FCC tribe is very welcoming, and I love that.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?
I am very organized, so I like the night before check listing, packing, and being ready to execute the EARLY morning prep pre-race. Up with the Sun. Arriving early at the race venue, dial into your head space, taking command of my transition station early (before your neighbors crowd in).
Walking the path to the water, vibing with Mother Ocean, and asking her to carry us all safely through our swim- that kind of stuff I love- is how FCC guides us! 🙂

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

There is no TRI; there is only DO. Jump off the fence and onto the right side of your life’s history!!!

Do you want results like these?

Check out the Beginner Tri Program and make sure to book a call to get $100 off your registration! Click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Transformation Session today!

Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, and more.

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