Even Coaches Can Benefit from UTC! – Heather’s Rockstar Story

Rockstar Triathlete: Heather Shrouds

Coaches Notes: Heather reached out in January, excited to be able to get such a great discount on Ultimate Tri Camp as a USAT certified USAT Coach, earn her CEUs, AND learn the “behind the scenes ” about how I coach my athletes and the Full Circle Coaching Methodology.Β 

I love being able to support USA Triathlon coaches in the application of their knowledge.

There are many different coaching styles, but with my 27 years of experience coaching thousands of triathletes and hosting over 20 triathlon camps, I believe that including training in more than just swimming, biking, and running is imperative to keeping a triathlete doing the sport they love for a lifetime.Β 

At Camp, Heather saw firsthand how to coach the campers on the importance of technique in the swim, bike and running can prevent injuries from overusing the repetitive motion of a triathlon with the use of video analysis and metabolic field testing. Learning breath work, Kihara stretching, Eldoa spine strength, foot strength, and so much more can impact her triathlon performance and help her coach the athletes she is coaching.Β 

Thanks, Heather, for coming in with an open mind and participating fully at Ultimate Tri Camp. You have so many new tools to implement into your coaching practice! You are a true Rockstar Coach/ and Camper!

Age: 48

Profession: Personal Trainer and Triathlon Coach

Why did you choose Ultimate Tri Camp for help in your triathlon journey?
I was at this triathlon camp to earn my CECs for my USAT Certification and improve my form in my swim and run. I knew something was off, but I was still determining what to expect. This was my first triathlon camp ever!

Please share your BIG goals and how Ultimate Tri Camp supported you:
My big goals are to swim 750m under 15 minutes, bike 20+mph, and run a 20-minute 5k
I started my weight loss journey in the fall of 2009. I have lost 100 lbs so far. I fell in love with Triathlon after my first swim, even though I was terrified of the open water. Triathlon and Duathlon Worlds and I have qualified for and competed in Age Group Nationals.

Tell me about your successes so far:

Swim – being more efficient and converting to breathing every 2 strokes instead of 3
Bike – getting my love back for riding outside.Β  I had been riding on the trainer a lot because of life schedule.Β  Β Riding in Clermont during Ultimate Tri Camp was beautiful, and riding in traffic was challenging, but I overcame my fear with the group’s safety.
Run – seeing my form on video during the video analysis and the corrections we made.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance at Ultimate Tri Camp?
I learned even more about my gut health. I love the ELDOA, meditation, and yoga. Honestly, it all was excellent.
1) Getting my love back for riding outside
2) Recovery strategiesΒ 
3) The Magnesium cream and Perfect Aminos are a game changer

What was your favorite part of Ultimate Tri Camp?
The camaraderie and the edge of competing with everyoneβ€”all of it, honestly. If I had to pick the ELDOAs, I have never done them before, but they’re a game changer for sure.

Are you coming back next year?
Yes, I plan on it!

Ready to get your best time yet?! Here’s how you can get access to Ultimate Tri Camp!

UTC 2025 will be held February 17-23, 2025 in Clearwater, Florida.

As one of our valued subscribers, you can take advantage of 30% off of registration if you claim your spot before April 15, 2024.

Click here to pay in full.

Click here for the payment plan.

Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.Β  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, andΒ more.

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