From Swim Essentials to Ultimate Tri Camp – Meet Rockstar Pat Draper

From Swim Essentials to Ultimate Tri Camp – Meet Rockstar Pat Draper

Coaches Notes: Pat reached out a few years ago about her swimming, so she took my swim essentials course, which includes video analysis and swim training to correct your technique. Her swimming started to improve! She then joined my signature Triathlon Transformation program to tackle the big goal of a 70.3 in 2024. We performed all the rest of her evaluations- Swim, Bike, Run, Strength and Mobility, and Nutrition.

Since she lives in Vero Beach, Florida, and we don’t get to train face-to-face very often, I knew Ultimate Tri Camp was the best opportunity for us to train together.

Pat kicked butt at camp! She participated in everything, learning how to unlock chronic hip pain and strengthen her whole body specific to each sport.
She enjoyed the guest speakers, meditation and Kihara and Eldoa – Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching, is a revolutionary technique created by World renowned Osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer.

She got stronger on the swim, bike, and run day by day! She did her 1st Sprint Triathlon this past weekend after a 5-year break! So proud of you, Pat. You truly are a Rockstar Triathlete. I’m super excited you already signed up for UTC 2025!

Will you be joining her? We are extending our post-camp sale until the end of April. Don’t miss out on the 30% savings!

Age: 68

Profession: Semi-retired nurse-practitioner.

Why did you choose UTC?
Because of the coach, Erinne Guthrie. I have worked with Erinne a few times in the past and knew right away she was not only expert in all things related to triathlon, but she could help me fix my swim. And, boy, did it need fixing. I’m not where I want to be, but my mindset is changing now; I look forward to swimming rather than dreading it. Back when I was competing regularly, I had qualified for Nationals twice. Now, I’m anxious to see what I can do this year, after a five-year hiatus.

Big goals accomplished?
UTC helped me realize I could run again. I am slow but my goals now are different than when I started competing in 2012. I am focusing on form and most of the time, trying to do what the coaches recommend.

Doing an open water swim again and feeling like I’m in charge of my breathing, instead of the other way around. And, running a sub-12 minute mile at camp. Meant a lot after not running continuously for five years.
Swim: Now able to average 2:49/100 m, open water
Run: Switching to minimalist shoes was a game-changer. Hip pain I’ve struggled with for years is almost gone.
Bike: Not monitoring power yet, but averaging better than 17 mph.
Nutrition: Being gently reminded of the toxicity of processed foods along with the necessity of magnesium supplements.

Biggest Personal Goal?
Knowing I could do it. I had my doubts but now I am totally psyched!

Things that will make a difference after camp:
1. Minimalist shoes
2. Foam roller and a stretching and strength routine.
3. Breath work and warmup before swimming

Favorite part? Getting to know others who are passionate about the triathlon life.

What would I say to others who are on the fence about going?
Just do it. You won’t regret it for one minute.

Ready to get your best time yet?! Here’s how you can get access to Ultimate Tri Camp!

UTC 2025 will be held February 17-23, 2025 in Clearwater, Florida.

As one of our valued subscribers, you can take advantage of 30% off of registration if you claim your spot before April 30, 2024.

Click here to pay in full.

Click here for the payment plan.

Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, and more.

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