Rockstar: Enrique Raphael

Rockstar: Enrique Raphael

Coaches Erinne’s Notes:

Enrique truly embraces the triathlon Lifestyle. This is his 3rd rockstar testimonial over the last 2 years and I am so proud of his living embodiment of one of the values I have for my athletes.

Kaizen means constant steady improvement. Enrique lives this in his life as a triathlete, father, husband, and businessman. He uses the races as milestones on the calendar to aim for while continuing to maintain his strength, fitness, and nutrition with life, sport, family and work.

Thank you, Enrique, for trusting Full Circle Coaching with your triathlon journey and for being a living example of what is truly possible! You are, again, A Rockstar Triathlete!

What is your age?
I will be 60 this year

What is your profession?:
I am an engineer

Why did you choose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?
Initially, it was to train for a triathlon race following a program with a Coach. After two years, the Full Circle Coaching program is excellent, and training with a team makes a big difference.

What is your “A” race for this season?
This year it was Victoria 70.3 which I finished last weekend.  My plan is to do another 70.3 before the end of the year but I have not decided which one yet.

What are your BIG goals?
For the rest of the year my plan is to work reducing my times even further in all the sports before doing another 70.3.

Tell me about your successes so far!
I came two years ago to train for an Olympic Race since it was a challenge; now I am very comfortable in the 70.3 distance; all that came with hard work, a lot of learning, and the privilege to train with excellent coaches and athletes.

What were some of your biggest improvements in performance for each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved.
When I came 2 years ago I realized I needed to learn how to swim, bike and run properly to be able to compete; now I am a better swimmer, a stronger rider and I run with good technique, but there is still a lot to improve. In the swim I did the 5km Miami swim this year, In bike, despite a challenging course in Victoria, I was able to do all the climbs and maintain my planned power all the race. The run is still pending work to do to get to the point I want to be.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. Team
  2. Nutrition
  3. Coaches

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?
It is a great sport; you are always competing against yourself and you are surrounded by excellent people with similar goals.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?
Just do it! You will learn a lot about yourself, meet great people, improve your physical and mental health, and have a lot of fun.

Do you want results like these? My 16-week Triathlon Transformation Training Program is designed to help you get faster for your next triathlon in less time than other training programs.

The Triathlon Transformation Program focuses on you as an individual; your form, technique, strength, fueling, and mindset. Through video analysis, metabolic testing, holistic lifestyle coaching, and a supportive community, you will achieve all your triathlon dreams and goals to get faster in less time.

If you want to show up confidently at the start of your next race — swimming, biking, and running past the competition, sprinting across the finish line with arms overhead, knowing you nailed it — then this program is for you.

Click here to apply for my 16-Week Triathlon Transformation Program.

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