Success is a Decision

Success is a Decision

Some people say, “Success is a journey, not a destination.” And while I agree with that, I also think success is something else.

Success is a decision.

That’s right. In building healthy habits, in achieving goals, in work… whatever: We choose our own results.

I’m often asked how to succeed at something – like, losing a certain amount of weight, for example. The solution is simple: Decide you’re going to do it.

Here’s what I mean – or, rather, what I don’t mean.

  • You don’t get what you want by waiting for it to happen magically
  • You don’t get what you want by hoping someone gives it to you
  • You don’t get what you want by quitting when it gets difficult or takes longer than you’d like

Instead, success comes from:

  1. Understanding your motivations
  2. Doing your research and choosing appropriate goals
  3. And then committing – really committing – to do whatever is necessary

That’s what successful people do. They don’t rely on talent, hope, or good luck, although those things can play a part.

But even the rare few who are talented, hopeful, and lucky also plan smartly and work hard. 

They adopt a champion’s mindset and learn to stay above their emotions while accepting that doubt and missteps are part of the deal. 

And they build consistent habits that often take time to pay off.

Success isn’t just ONE decision but a constant effort to make the next positive choice.

If you can say yes, then you’re halfway there.

4-Day Nutrition Reset Challenge Starts May 15 – 18 @11 am

Does this sound like YOU? 

  • You struggle to know what to eat, how much, and what combination of foods to eat. 
  • You’re not sure if the exercise/training you’re doing will produce the results desired. 
  • You’re confused by all the conflicting information on the internet, diet books, and magazine articles? 
  • You struggle with the motivation you need to get started and the accountability you need to keep you going.

If so, we’ve got you covered! 

My client Heather joined me in a prior reset and lost 5 pounds in the week we were together by implementing my suggestions. 

Join me for a FREE 4-Day Nutrition Reset Challenge!
Starts May 15 – 18 @ 11:00 AM

You’ll learn how to develop strong habits to keep you going, start losing fat immediately, and move toward owning the confidence you deserve! 

This reset is for everyone, not just triathletes. 

We will review daily nutrition as well as tips for training and racing.

Being leaner and stronger is always going to allow for better performance.

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