What’s up Runners and Triathletes?
Have you signed up for your next 5k, 10k, 13.1 or 26.2?Β It’s Running season!
Most of the programs you are following right now teach you absolutely nothing about HOW to run. Instead, they have you turning up the volume of running, week after week despite your lack of energy and niggling injuries. This is a sure recipe for disaster!
Can you imagine training all those weeks only to come up lame on race day because you only trained based on volume?
Running more does not always make you a better runner, especially if you have poor posture and have any imbalances in your core muscle strength and limited flexibility.Β Who doesn’t have imbalances?Β No one is perfectly balanced or symmetrical.Β
After years of study and analysis it is becoming apparent that there is a better and smarter way to train for your next running race.
I invite you to join us on Sunday, October 11, 2015 for Run Essentials – We’ll meet at Coral Reef Park in Miami.Β Click this LINK for details and registration – LEARN how you can avoid the status quo and do things differently this year!
Wishing you well!
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