Oops I Did it Again… by Coach Erinne Guthrie

Does anyone else remember that Britney Spears song, or am I dating myself?  Anyway, that song was stuck in my head about a month ago when I was saying to myself, “OOPS! I did it again.”   I seemed to have re-injured my hamstring that was torn two years ago and took me away from running for over 12 months. The 2nd “Oops” was that I felt like I was back in Adrenal Fatigue.  I had no energy to get through my workouts and didn’t have the “dance to work” attitude I usually enjoy.  I really had to take a step back and take a look at what had been going on the past few months and it was all clear.

  • Less than 7-8 hours of sleep for many weeks in a row.
  • Too much refined sugar and processed foods from traveling for a few weeks consecutively.
  • Pushing too hard in training, despite my body telling me I was fatigued and needed more TLC and less 200 repeats at the track (despite my goal to get back to running faster).

All of these things I coach my athletes on and here I was not practicing what I preach.  I named my company Full Circle Coaching for a reason and please notice the Yin-Yang in the logo and my tag line; “Where Performance Meets Balance.”  When I had the opportunity to start over with my new company 5 years ago, I wanted to make sure I was implementing all the things I had learned over the previous 15 years of coaching, training and living that got me where I am today, happy, healthy, strong and fit.  The key component being BALANCE between working OUT and working IN.  I like to remind myself that life is about finding that balance between too much and too little of everything!  I like to see myself riding the wave of that balance, constantly course correcting as needed, to stay on top of the wave all the time, not just for a final destination or goal (although having a goal can help us get focused). The good news is I was able to implement all the strategies for nutrition, working IN and supplements needed to dig me out of the hole I found myself in. I like to train hard, I like to race and compete and I want to be able to do that and have the energy to be the best Mom for my 9 year old daughter and my growing company.

In 3 weeks, I am pain free in my hamstring and back to full, amazing energy by taking a ton of recovery days, not days off but days to rebuild my foundation with low heart rate movement, holistic nutrition, a few supplements that I swear by and of course including my daily mediation, EFT and working IN.

The hamstring pain is 100% gone after I implemented my tried and true strength program I created specifically for running injury free.
So, based on what was going on with me and what I hear my athletes struggling with as well, I am offering 2 programs this month.
The 1st will be an online 6 week course where I review all my holistic principles and how they apply to triathlon training. Many of you have been asking me for just the nutrition course but spreading the information out over a few weeks will make it simpler to implement and more comprehensive.
The 2nd program is my Running Essentials 101 and 102. This 1 day running intensive will include total body running strength exercises as well as a run test and training zones.
Also please enjoy these 2 articles that can make a difference in your running health.
If you’re looking to achieve results with your training program, contact us today.  Here’s a link to schedule your call to discuss how to make it happen!

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