Bike Fit
Bike Fit

Why should you get a dynamic bike fit by Coach Dennis Phipps?
Nothing will shave more time off your bike split than an aero, comfortable position. There was a great article on Cervelo’s website about bicycle aerodynamics. The quick summary is that for a 40k race, an aero position (ideally a horizontal torso) can save you 6 minutes, while aero wheels might save 1-2 minutes, and an aero frame 1 minute.

Our method has the following advantages over a generic bike shop fit; Let’s look at a very simple measurement, seat height. Aero-specific fit. We know how to fit aerodynamically. Many “fit systems” fail to distinguish between road and Tri fitting – big mistake!

We use dynamic analysis of you pedaling under load, as opposed to static measurement which may not accurately depict your position.

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