
Note: Always check What’s App Group Chat first, changes may suddenly occur due to weather conditions.

Mindful Monday: Strengthen and Stretching Online (pre-recorded video is sent on Sundays. Do on your own, at your pace.

RUN 6:15 AM / Moore Park / 765 NW 36TH STREET – Miami, FL 33127

SWIM 6:00 AM / LA Fitness / 5701 Sunset Dr Ste 134, South Miami

BIKE 6:30 AM / Pedals Up! / TRI-Hobie Beach
Also, a small brick run, post bike.

STRENGTH 6:00 AM / Regatta Park / 3400 Pan American Drive
SWIM 7:30 AM / TRI-Hobie Beach

Saturday/Sunday: TBA in the group What’s App Chat, and via email titled “What’s Happening.”

Maximize your speed with ZERO Training

"11 Ways to Get Faster at Triathlon Now,"

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