It’s Only Hard If You Want It to Be

Think someone in your life or someone you know of who’s struggling with something that’s undeniably hard.

Severe illness, grievances, and losses plague millions of people on Earth.

So remember and really think about the word “hard,” the next time you start to complain about training, working out, or making healthy choices in the kitchen.

  • Is it “too hard” to go to the gym?
  • Is it “too hard” to eat vegetables and fruit?
  • Is it “too hard” to make positive choices in your life?

Most of us get to choose our “hard” tasks in life. And we’re making a choice every time we take action – or don’t.

That’s right. Sitting on the couch – again — is a choice. Ignoring health and diet is a choice. And they lead to a future that’s truly, undeniably hard.

  • Living in a body we hate.
  • Facing serious health issues.
  • Shortening the amount of life we have to be active and independent.

It’s all up to us to decide what’s hard and what’s not.

The “easy” way isn’t always so. Let’s make the “hard” choices with gratitude. And get moving.

My Beginner Triathlon Training Program can help you become the fittest you’ve ever been as you transform into a triathlete in just 8 weeks.

Here’s what you get when you join my program:

  • 8 Weeks of training to succeed in crossing the finish line
  • Unlimited access (M-F) to your coaches on the WhatsApp Chat
  • The best team of triathletes to inspire and cheer you on
  • Training Peaks App (your daily online training plan)
  • Video modules to watch, learn & apply as you go
  • Live recorded weekly coaching calls supporting you every step of the way

After my Beginner Triathlete Training, you’ll cross the finish line of your next race with confidence and exhilaration, waving your arms overhead, ecstatic knowing you reached a new personal achievement!

Click here to learn more and get started!

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