Set the Bar High for Yourself While Managing Your Expectations

Set the bar high for yourself while managing your expectations

Setting big, scary goals is exciting.

But it’s also quickly disheartening too many times when we fail to support our efforts by managing expectations. Most of the time, the problem isn’t that the goal is too big or grandiose. It’s that we’re not setting reasonable expectations about reaching it.

Here’s an example that’s super-oversimplified to make the point.

Suppose you’re 25 pounds overweight and decide to lose that much through exercise and eating right.

Is that a reasonable goal?


Now, let’s say you want to lose 25 pounds in two weeks.

Is that a realistic expectation?

Absolutely not!

And yet I hear from people all the time who want to do something like this in such a tight timeframe.

Look, expectations are the mother of all disappointments. But setting goals and setting on a well-charted course to reach them?

Well, that’s how you get where you want to go.

Don’t change the desired destination. Just pick the right path.

I’ve been hosting my FREE 4-Day Nutrition Reset Challenge this week which is a GREAT way to start on the right path to healthier nutrition choices and ultimately a healthier you.

If you’re ready to kickstart your transformation journey it’s not too late to join! Click this link to sign up, and you can even watch all the Facebook LIVES I’ve done this week about the program right inside our Triathlon Obsessed Facebook group.

Click here to sign up for my FREE 4-Day Nutrition Reset Challenge — it’s not too late!

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