Meet Beda Molina, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 50

Profession: Business owner

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? I always thought, before I chose, that FCC had a more professional approach to coaching and that would help me become a better triathlete, I now know I was right.

What is your “A” race for this season? My “A” race for this season just took place in October, Ironman® Maryland.

Please share your BIG goals: My Big goals are to raise my children into good and happy citizens, grow old with my husband doing what we love and one of those things we love is training and racing.

Tell me about your successes so far:  Success so far, completing two full distance Ironman® races, several podium finishes in other races, in a 4 year period, with no athletic experience before in my life.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for each of the following?
First of all I’ve lowered my times on all three disciplines.

Swim: With my now improved technique, I’ve learned better sighting in open water and gained endurance, sometimes I feel I can swim all day.
Bike: I have improved in the use and selection of the proper gears. Also learned to turn safely and gotten stronger in climbing and in windy rides.
Run: I’ve improved my posture and proper warm up and stretching, which helps me deal with my sometimes “uncooperative” hamstring.  Also, I learned to run at a lower heart rate.
Nutrition/Health: I definitely eat better now than in the past. I was avoiding foods that were actually good for me.  Also, I’ve been introduced to foods I didn’t know before.

Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: Earlier this season, I was able to podium in a very competitive race. Later, I finished an insanely tough Ironman® Maryland with floods on the run with a great time.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: Group swimming class, nutrition and lower heart rate when running.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? To me, training and competing in triathlon is similar to a big outdoor party, with nice people. Plus competition is always thrilling.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? I would definitely recommend FCC training programs and coaches. I went through a couple of different ones in past years and there’s no comparison, this is definitely the one for me.

Coach Erinne’s Notes:
Everyone who knows Beda knows she never stops smiling and dancing. I am super proud of her tenacity at completing IM MD a few weeks ago in terrible conditions where 30% of the field DNF’d (did not finish) and a large percentage didn’t even start. We were both a bit disappointed as she was going to PR by at least 2 hours under normal conditions but such is life. I have all my athletes write a pre-race plan to use like a road map for the days leading up to and during their races. Beda’s race plan was just perfect when she added that she would be applying fresh lipstick just before the finish line for the photos! I just love that! Way to go Beda, you are a true ROCKSTAR triathlete. Besitos!

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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