Rockstar Triathlete: Jose Daniel Blanco – Off the Fence, Into the Pool, Get Hooked

Rockstar  Triathlete: Chef/Owner of 109 Burger Joint,* Jose Daniel Blanco -Off the Fence, Into the Pool, Get Hooked!

Coach’s Notes: As a complete new comer to triathlon, Jose had the desire and followed the Full Circle Coaching Couch2-Tri Program to the letter to achieve amazing results. He barely missed a single training session in the 8 week beginner program and implemented all the training suggestions to cross the finish line strong after some tough windy wavy conditions in the Key West Triathlon. I am so proud to welcome him to the Triathlon Tribe and love his enthusiasm to tackle 2019 with some serious new triathlon goals!

Way to go Jose!  Thanks for being an inspiration to those people that may be a little unsure in taking on the goal of a triathlon and showing  how well this program works.  Look for details below on how you can join this program in 2019.

*109 Burger Joint, considered one of the best burger spots in Miami since opening 4 years ago! Located in Sweetwater on 109th Ave and SW 7th Street, across from FIU.

Age: 24 years young

Profession: Chef/Restaurant Owner/Full-time student

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?
After doing research, I saw that FC had a great staff and workout plans for its athletes. I did a skype call with Erinne  and loved her energy and passion. She invited me to a free one week trial and I was hooked!

What is your “A” race for this season?
Escape to Miami in September will be my first international distance race! But I just completed my first triathlon ever after graduating from Full Circle Coaching Couch to Tri Program

Please share your BIG goals:
Like every triathlete my BIG goal is to finish an Ironman one day. Also, to become better faster and stronger with every race I participate in!

Tell me about your successes so far:
I completed the Coach-to-Tri program with Full Circle and was able to run my first triathlon! I completed the sprint at Tri-Key West. It was a tough race with some unexpected challenges but it was amazing! Loved every part of it. My training prepared me well enough to feel confident in my abilities. Cannot wait for all the races to come!

What were some of your biggest improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim: Bike: Run: Nutrition/Health: Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Swim: when I started with FC I couldn’t swim across the pool. After the program I not only learned to swim correctly but I was able to conquer a very tough, rough windy swim at TriKW.

Bike: My speed and efficiency on the bike was miles better after the training.

Run: When I started with FC I couldn’t run a mile. Now I can run an 8-min mile and was able to complete a 5k!

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:
1. Having a very supportive coaching staff that knows exactly what I need to become better and to reach my goals. They are great mentors that will always push me to get to the next level.

2. Having a great team around me that can always be counted on. Whether good or bad I know the FC tribe will be there to help.

3. Building the self-confidence to believe in myself. Setting achievable goals that will help me grow and become better, not only in triathlon but life in general.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?
I love being part of something that is so much fun and also just betters life. Since I started training for triathlon I have been feeling better in all aspects of my life. It is also exciting taking part in one of greatest physical challenges that we can partake as humans. The sense of achievement from completing a triathlon  is like no other!

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

Jump off the fence and into the pool! The hardest part about this whole process was starting. Once you’re in it you will get hooked!

Watch this video about Jose’s experience in our Couch to Tri Program!

If you’re interested in learning more about our Couch2Tri Program click on this link for more details:

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call us at 786-586-6057 today or click this link to schedule a complimentary triathlon strategy call:

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997, Member of Team USA and Competed in over 150 races.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Level 2 Master’s Swim Coach, Metabolic Efficiency Expert and Motivational Speaker, Mom,  and much much more.

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