I started an end-of-year diet

It’s not the type of diet you’re probably thinking, although I do have to be careful this year of how much Halloween candy and then Christmas cookies I’ll down.

I’m talking about going on a distractions diet.

See, unless you starve your distractions, you can’t feed your focus the right things.

I’d argue that with the upcoming holidays, end of year events, and more, unless you are intentional with where you choose to place your focus, the fourth quarter will be a flop rather than a strong finish that each of us probably wants.

A strong finish starts with being clear on our intentions and following through with aligned actions.

Intention is asking ourselves:

  • What do I need to focus on? (not ‘want’ to focus on)
  • What distracted me yesterday from doing strong work?
  • What could distract me today if I’m not careful?

Write it down.

Put it on paper so you can put a plan together instead of trying to do it all in your head.

After you set the intention, you build a plan of action.

You often don’t get nearly as much done as you want to because you are constantly getting distracted by things we have the power to silence.

  • Close your email browser and instead set an alarm for 3x times day you’ll check it (7am, 12pm, 4pm). Stay out of your inbox otherwise.
  • Turn off ALL social media notifications. You don’t need to know the second someone liked your Facebook or Instagram post.
  • Turn OFF your phone ringer. This will keep new emails, text messages and alerts from pulling your attention out of necessary work to check them.
  • Turn ON your alarm. Set a timer for 30-minute windows. Dive into a project and when the alarm goes off, stretch your legs, go outside if possible and put your feet on the ground, grab some spring water or fist bump a teammate. Repeat every 30 minutes.

If you want to feed your focus, you’ve got to learn to starve your distractions.

Some distractions are outside of our control, but many of them?

We 100% own the power to silence them, we just simply choose not to.

If we want to win this quarter, we have to choose where we put our focus.

Thanks, Jake Thompson, for this great reminder.

Let’s finish the year strong; We are cheering for you.

Are you looking for help with this and your nutrition- Still time to join or Nutrition and Lifestyle essentials program. All the details are here and we start tomorrow.

Set up your call with me HERE to answer any questions.

Check out my Nutrition Essentials program here!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

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